Click here to download a PDF of the new brochure for the CLUES Cognitive Enrichment Program at CEDAR!

Please click here for additional details.
Last Updated on 2013.
CEDAR Clinic
by cedarclinic
Click here to download a PDF of the new brochure for the CLUES Cognitive Enrichment Program at CEDAR!
Please click here for additional details.
Last Updated on 2013.
by cedarclinic
See flyer for details and registration form
Friday, May 3, 2013
8:15 am €“ 5:00 pm
One Autumn Street
Auditorium A
Boston, MA 02115
There will be NO FEE for conference attendance. Seating is limited, so early registration is recommended.
This conference is supported in part by an unrestricted educational grant from the Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
Sponsored by
Continuing Education Program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School and the Department of Mental Health Center for Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopharmacological Research (Commonwealth Research Center)
Last Updated on 2013
by cedarclinic
In light of the terrible events in Boston today, we at CEDAR and the Commonwealth Research Center want to express our concern and compassion for all those affected. If you or someone you love is experiencing overwhelming feelings of anxiety, anger, or fear, please contact:
The Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990or text ‘TalkWithUs’ to 66746 |
This is a 24/7 free, multi-lingual and immediate crisis counseling and support resource through SAMHSA. Calls and texts are answered by trained, caring counselors from call centers across the U.S. For more information, visit
For Parents on how to talk to children about the events: What Parents Should Do First.
Last Updated on Monday, 15 April 2013
by cedarclinic
Imagine college and university campuses on which:
Information about mental health care and mental illness is as easy to find as information about libraries, exercise options, and birth control.
Students feel as comfortable talking about depression and hearing voices as they do about having a cold, bronchitis, or diabetes.
Quality mental health care is readily available and quickly reaches out to students in need allowing them to continue their education while they are in recovery.
Whether you are:
a student: resident advisor, mental health liaison, mental health activist,
or just interested in bringing about change and not sure how
or a college and university faculty, administrator, or staff member
interested in taking active steps with us
If you want to be a part of transforming your campus, this conference is for you!
(Registration Closed)
Last Updated 2014
by cedarclinic
With generous support from the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health and the Sidney R. Baer, Jr., Foundation, we have created the following handouts to help families of young people experiencing psychotic symptoms or showing signs of risk for psychosis.
These are intended as educational tools, not comprehensive guides. Families are encouraged to work closely with a clinician to decide what is most appropriate for their child, given his or her unique history, context, and set of issues or symptoms.
If you have suggestions for additional handouts or corrections or want to let us know how they worked for you, please feel free to email Kristen Woodberry.
Check back in. We improve our handouts from time to time and are developing new ones.
Last Updated 2014
The CEDAR Clinic is a clinical program of The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health and is affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School.
CEDAR is located at The Brookline Center for Community Mental health. Please see our directions page for more details.
41 Garrison Road, Brookline, Massachusetts, 02445